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Tutorial Java example program to get extension
To get the file name and file extension separately we can do the string manipulation on the file name. Suppose "filename.ext" is some filename with extension is provided. View Rating

Tutorial Java example to get Object class name at runtime
In java there is a way that makes us enabled to get the object class name at runtime. View Rating

Tutorial Java example program to get the object's ID
In java there is no any specific method that provides us the object's ID. But each object has its own unique hash value which can be treated as unique Id for that object. View Rating

Tutorial Java example program to get Operating System type or architecture
In java environment we can write java code which will make us enabled to get the operating system type. View Rating

Tutorial Java example program to get the operating system name of the system
Many times we need to know the current operating system name on which we are working. So in java we have "" property which provides us the information about the current operating system name. View Rating

Tutorial Java example program to get the operating system's version
You can check your current system's operating system version by the java code also. For this purpose you have to use the System's property "os.version". View Rating

Tutorial Java example program to get IP address of own system
An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a numerical unique identification number which is assigned to the devices participating in the network for communication. View Rating

Tutorial Example to show Iterator exception in java
Here we are describing the use of using exception class in java .This tutorial describes the way to handle Iterator exceptions appropriately in your programs and designs. View Rating

Tutorial Example to show Hash table exception in java
Here we are describing the use of using exception class in java. This tutorial describes the way to handle Hash table exceptions appropriately in your programs and designs. View Rating

Tutorial Example to show Hash map exception in java
Here we are describing the use of using exception class in java .This tutorial describes the way to handle exception appropriately in your programs and designs. View Rating
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