JSP Tutorials

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JSP Tutorials
Tutorial JSTL: forEach and status
It is not a good programming practice to use directive to set the attribute in a bean or a map when we are using the jstl. Instead of using directive we can use the tag of jstl. View Rating

JSP Tutorials
Tutorial JSTL: another for each and status
In this program we are declaring one array of type String in which we are going to store some movies name in it. This declaration will be done inside the scriptlet directive. Now set the attribute by using the pageContext implicit object. View Rating

JSP Tutorials
Tutorial Creating a Local Variable in JSP
In jsp when we have to create a method or variable we usually declare it inside the declaration tag. If we declare it inside the declaration directive then then the scope of the variables will be applicable in the whole page. This works like a instance va View Rating

JSP Tutorials
Tutorial JSTL If- Else
The problem with is that, this tag will not work if the value entered by the user doesn't match any of the condition given in the program. In this tag there is no way to specify the default value. View Rating

JSP Tutorials
Tutorial Finding a Factorial using while loop
In this example we are going to find out the factorial of 12 by using the while loop. In while loop the loop will run until the condition we have given gets true. We are using the scriptlet to calculate the factorial of 12. View Rating

JSP Tutorials
Tutorial in JSTL
The JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) core library, provides custom tags for basic functionality. Instead of using those hardcoded scriptlet, It allows you to program your pages using tags. View Rating

JSP Tutorials
Tutorial EL and Complex Java Beans
EL means the expression language , it makes it possible to easily access application data stored in JavaBeans components. The jsp expression language allows a page author to access a bean using simple syntax such as $(name). View Rating

JSP Tutorials
Tutorial Use of dot(.) operator in EL
EL means the expression language , it makes it possible to easily access application data stored in JavaBeans components. The jsp expression language allows a page author to access a bean using simple syntax such as $(name). View Rating

JSP Tutorials
Tutorial Nested in JSTL
The JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) core library, provides custom tags for basic functionality. Instead of using those hardcoded scriptlet, It allows you to program your pages using tags. View Rating

JSP Tutorials
Tutorial EL and complex JavaBeans1
EL means the expression language , it makes it possible to easily access application data stored in JavaBeans components. The jsp expression language allows a page author to access a bean using simple syntax such as $(name). View Rating
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