Email Archive
In this section we will see what is email archive and how it is useful in securely storing your email communications. These days almost all the internet users and companies are using email as communication means. Communication messages are sent and received as emails messages. Your email client can't store huge email messages and some point of time you will feel the need of storing the emails messages.
There are many ways to store the email messages. In case of Outlook you can create separate .pst file and move the emails there and then save your .pst file. In this case if you are looking for something in old messages it will be very difficult to find the messages in all your backups (.pst) files. To solve these problems you can go to for email archiving solutions.
What is email achieve?
Email achieve is a repository of all your old email is a searchable format. And the Email Achieving is the process of collecting, storing and indexing your email into email achieve with the help of specified software. The email archiving software helps the users to create email achieve. Email archiving software also helps the users to search in the achieved email messages.
Need of Email archiving
In many cases in the organization, IT-Department can take the backup of the emails without the help of any software in the zip format. But these backup is not very usable. You can't search the message from the backup and won't be able to find the right email message at right time. So, Emailing archiving software helps the organization to achieve the email and also provide the interface to search from the achieved email messages.
There are also policy based email archiving software, which allows the authenticated users to search their emails and attachments. Un authenticated and unauthorized persons can't access the email achieve.
Some Email archiving software also helps the user to search within the email attachments such as PDF, word, or zip files. So, the capabilities of the email archiving software is unlimited. Organizations can use these softwares to collect, save, backup, search and retrieve the old emails from the backup. The Email archiving software is wonderful solution for companies looking for ideal solution for managing their corporate communications.
If you are looking for Open source Email archiving solutions check at Open Source Email archiving software page.