What is "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD)?

This article is discussing about BYOD. The BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device. These days due to the popularity of the mobile devices companies are allowing the employees to bring their own mobile devices and use for business in company.

What is "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD)?

What is "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD)?

Bring your own device or as commonly referred in abbreviation BYOD is an almost frequent and regularly used term in the corporate and business sector. In corporate organizations employees in the present work scenario tend to come and enter their work environment with their own tech devices ranging from mobile phones to laptops to tablets or other fusion products thanks to the great upsurge and wide ranging popularity of mobile devices of different types that surpassed the use of traditional use of desktops all over the world in an unprecedented way. By referring to bring your own device or BYOD actually the policy concerning the use of these mobile tech devices in the office environment and the possible challenges for the confidentiality and network security is addressed.

In the present time thanks to the widespread trend of using own computing as well as tech gadgets for professional purposes every company depending heavily on network security and confidentiality of information is bound to have a well laid out policy concerning the use of personal tech devices in the office for the purpose of computing and other networking or internet uses and this policy across the industries or business houses is referred as bring your own device or BYOD policy. Here we would see various aspects that are crucial in regard to BYOD policy of a company. Various close or related terminologies are coined similar to this referring to different technologies and devices used by the personnel in a professional environment, like bring your own phone or BYOP, bring your own computer or BYOC and bring your own technology or BYOT.

History of BYOD

Bring your own device or BYOD policy was first introduced by the hardware giant Intel corporation in 2009 when it saw an increasing tendency by the employees to come in the office with their own computing or other devices and connect them to the corporate network and from then on the term began to be familiar and corresponding policies started to be introduced in different companies including not only so called tech companies but other business establishments for which preventing the use of personal computing devices by the employees were equally crucial for protecting and strengthening the network security.

Why BYOD is so crucial?

As per the global estimation and statistics almost 90% of the modern day employees use some sort of tech gadgets, at least gadgets with a limited capacity of making phone calls or text messaging and as per the latest trend the use of high end tech devices with wide ranging functions like network and internet connectivity, voice over internet protocol, etc. are increasing at an electrifying speed and in this scenario employees all over the globe are becoming more and more tech savvy and most of the employees in today's tech environments prefer to work with their own devices, especially when some devices in contrast to old desktops provide them flexible and user friendly applications and smooth operations with touch screen functionalities. As smart phones and high tech tablets with more rigorous and seasoned functionalities are coming and becoming available for the consumers at a large scale, this trend is expected to expand and grow more rigorously and naturally for protecting the integration and confidentiality of business information a concrete policy is required and this is precisely the thought behind the policy concerning the use of self owned devices in work environments that are termed as bring your own device or BYOD.