Deployment in Tomcat 6.0

Deploy the 'war' file of your application in ?/webapp? to ? /webapps?. There is no need to change the configuration with jdk1.6 and Tomcat 6.0. Tomcat detects the web application and deploy i

Deployment in Tomcat 6.0

Deployment in Tomcat 6.0


Deploy the 'war' file of your application in  ?<ARTIFACTORY_INSTALLATION _FOLDER>/webapp? to ?<TOMCAT_INSTALLATION_FOLDER> /webapps?. There is no need to change the configuration with jdk1.6 and Tomcat 6.0. Tomcat detects the web application and deploy it. 

Once the application is deployed successfully, the web application requires the following information:

  • Database location to store artifacts
  • Artifactory config xml file location
  • Backup folder location

To specify all the above three information, a single configuration is used. We only need to specify the artifactory installation folder location during Tomcat startup and artifactory does all the rest task by itself. There is another approach, that is, setup the connection to the derby database using jdbc and configure artifactory in the web application (by including artifactory.config.xml in the web application). 

We can use the environment  variable to specify the location of the artifactory installation folder. In case of Windows, we can add it to Tomcat startup options and Configure Tomcat by specifying  the installation folder to the Java Options.

-Dartifactory.home=<artifactory-install-directory>  e.g. -Dartifactory.home=D:\artifactory-1.2.2\artifactory-1.2.2