Sublime 3 Text Editor in Ubuntu 20.04 - Installation of Sublime 3 Text Editor using Ubuntu Software and through command line
The Sublime 3 Text editor is very popular among developers and used by large number of developer globally to write their software code. This tool is easy to use tool yet powerful enough for application development. Sublime text editor is available for OS X, Windows and Linux operating systems. In this tutorial we are going to explain you the steps of installing powerful Sublime 3 Text editor on Ubuntu 20.04 operating system.
In this tutorial we are going to explain you two ways of installing Sublime 3 Text on the Ubuntu 20.04 operating system. The two ways are:
- Ubuntu Software
- Command line
You will be able to install this software by any of the above methods. It is easy to install the software and it takes only few minutes if you have fast internet connection on your Ubuntu 20.04 operating system.
a) Installing Sublime using Ubuntu Software installer
This is one of the easiest method for installing Sublime 3 Text editor on the Ubuntu 20.04 operating system
Step 1: Search Ubuntu Software installer
First of all open the application search by clicking on the Show applications as shown below:
Step 2: Search Ubuntu Software installer
After clicking on the "Show Applications" will show the screen:
Click on the Ubuntu Software link the Ubuntu Software opens. There you can search for the sublime software as shown below:
Step 3: Search for Sublime software
In the Ubuntu Installer Software you can search for "Sublime" as shown below:
In the above screen you will find link to "Sublime Text", click on the link to open the Sublime Text installation option.
Step 4: Installing Sublime Text 3
Following screen allows you to start the installation of Sublime Text 3.
In the above installation screen you can click on the "Install" button to complete the installation. After completion of installation you will be able to open it from the Ubuntu software search option.
Step 5: Open Sublime text
Finally you can open Sublime text editor by searching in the applications. Here is the screen shot of the Sublime 3 Text editor:
b) Installing Sublime in Ubuntu 20.04 from command line
Now we will see how to install Sublime Text from the command line in your Ubuntu 20.04 operating system. Sometimes it is much easier to install the Sublime Text 3 software by running few commands in the terminal.