Kotlin Tutorials and Examples
Kotlin is a new programming language which is developed by JetBrains. This programming language is 100% interoperable with Java and Android. You can use Kotlin to develop all types of application using existing Java libraries.
Kotlin programming language is statically-typed, concise, pragmatic programming language which is interoperable with Java Programming language. Kotlin runs on the JVM and with the same level of performance as Java.
Kotlin can be used to develop Java, Android, server-side applications and it works with all existing Java libraries. Google already announced its first class support for Kotlin programming language for development of Android based applications. In Google I/O 2017 conference Google extended its support for Kotlin programming language and in latest Android Studio it provides support for developing applications using Kotlin.
In this series we are providing you tutorials for Kotlin programming language, here are tutorials of Kotlin programming language.