Adding Navigation in JSF Application
This tutorial explains how to navigate from one jsp page to another jsp in JSF application. The page navigation in the JSF framework is controlled by the faces-config.xml. This file contains one or more navigation cases. You can map action from the commandButton to success.jsp and fail.jsp. Steps to navigate the jsp form using NetBeans IDE.
Step 1:- In the Projects window, double-click faces-config.xml to open the file in the Source Editor. In the toolbar above the file, click XML to display the file in plain XML.
Step 2:- Right-click anywhere in the file and choose JavaServer Faces > Add Navigation Rule. Type /login.jsp in the Rule from View field and optionally enter a description of the rule as figure below:
Step 3:- Right-click anywhere in the file and choose JavaServer Faces > Add Navigation Case. Type /login.jsp in the Form View and type success in Form Outcome and type /success.jsp in To View as figure below:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
As per your requirement give another navigation rule. The faces-config.xml structure is as follows: