JSF messages Tag

This tag is also like message tag which is also used to show all messages for the components. If you want to customize the message then CSS can be used.

JSF messages Tag

JSF messages Tag


This tag is also like message tag which is also used to show all messages for the components. If you want to customize the message then CSS can be used. If you want to show the error message for a component in a color and other information in different color then CSS can be helpful. Two layouts are supported for generated messages, table and list. If layout is not specified then it takes list layout and all messages are displayed in a line.

Code Description :

<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %>
   <h:form >Enter name and password below :<br>
  <h:inputText id="name" required="true" value="#{MessageBean.a}" /><br><br>
  <h:inputSecret id="pwd" required="true" value="#{MessageBean.b}" /><br>
  <h:commandButton id="submit" value="Submit"/><br />
  <h:messages showDetail="false" showSummary="true" layout="table"/>


Rendered Output :

If these input text field is not filled by the user and submit is pressed then the error messages are flashed for this component to warn that these are the required fields to be filled. It shows that these can't be left blank because "required" field is set to "true" for these fields. So the output is shown below if these fields are not filled :

Html Source Code :

<form id="_id0" method="post"    action="/htmltag/pages/messages.jsf" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
  Enter name and password below :<br>
  <input id="_id0:name" type="text" name="_id0:name" value="" /><br><br>
  <input id="_id0:pwd" type="password" name="_id0:pwd" value="" /><br>
  <input id="_id0:submit" type="submit" name="_id0:submit" value="Submit" /><br />
   <input type="hidden" name="_id0" value="_id0" />

This messages tag contains most of the attributes common to the message tag. Only few are different like layout attribute. All are summarized below :

  • id : It is the component identifier that must be unique in the closest container.
  • binding : It takes the value binding expression that is used to link the component to the property of the backing  bean.
  • rendered : Its a boolean attribute. It determines whether this component should be rendered or not.
  • for : This is the required attribute for the component. It takes the id for a component. message tag displays the message for this component whose id has been specified in for attribute.
  • showSummary : Its a boolean flag. Its default value is true. It is used to determine whether the summary part of the message should be displayed or not.
  • showDetail :Its a boolean flag. Its default value is true. It is used to determine whether detail messages should be idisplayed  or not.
  • globalOnly : Its a boolean flag. Its default value is true. It is used to determine whether global messages (which are without IDs) should be displayed  or not.
  • dir : It is used to set the direction of the text to be displayed. It can take two values LTR(left to right) and  RTL (right to left).
  • lang : It is used to set the base language of  the component when displayed.
  • style : It is used to set the CSS style definition for the component. 
  • title : It is the standard html attribute.It is used to set the tooltip text for this component.
  • styleClass : It is corresponding to html "class" attribute. It is used to set the CSS class for the component. 
  • onclick : Script to be invoked when the element is clicked.
  • ondblclick : It is used for Java Script code to be invoked when the element is double-clicked.
  • onmousedown : It is used for Java Script code to be invoked when the pointing device is pressed over this element.
  • onmouseup : It is used for Java Script code to be invoked when the pointing device is released over this element.
  • onmouseover : It is used for Java Script code to be invoked when the pointing device is moved into this element.
  • onmousemove : It is used for Java Script code to be invoked when the pointing device is moved while it is in this element.
  • onmouseout : It is used for Java Script code to be invoked when the pointing device is moves out of this element.
  • onkeypress : It is used for Java Script code to be invoked when a key is pressed over this element.
  • onkeydown : It is used for Java Script code to be invoked when a key is pressed down over this element.
  • onkeyup  : It is used for Java Script code to be invoked when a key is released over this element.
  • infoClass : This is to determine the CSS class to be applied to information message.
  • infoStyle : This is to determine the CSS style to be applied to information message.
  • warnClass : This is to determine the CSS class to be applied for warning message.
  • warnStyle : This is to determine the CSS style to be applied for warning message.
  • errorClass : This is to determine the CSS class to be applied to error  message.
  • errorStyle : This is to determine the CSS style to be applied to error  message.
  • fatalClass : This is to determine the CSS class to be applied to fatal message.
  • fatalStyle : This is to determine the CSS style to be applied to fatal message.
  • layout : This is used to layout the error messages. It can take two values "table" and "list". Its default value is "list".
  • tooltip : It is a boolean attribute. It is used to determine whether to show the summary message  in a tooltip or not.