Apache MyFaces Core 1.2.0 (New Release)

MyFaces is free and open source implementation of JSF that is a new and powerful web application framework. MyFaces 1.2 has been under development for several months.

Apache MyFaces Core 1.2.0 (New Release)

Apache MyFaces Core 1.2.0 (New Release)


MyFaces is free and open source implementation of JSF that is a new and powerful web application framework. MyFaces 1.2 has been under development for several months. This is now a reality. The TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit) test has been passed. This is really a great news that MyFaces team has announced that MyFaces 1.2 project fully implements JSF 1.2 specification as specified by JSR-252 and it can be used to develop applications.

Announcement Date : The announcement date for the release of MyFaces 1.2.0 was July 17,2007.

Download MyFaces 1.2.0 : You can download MyFaces 1.2.0 from the link http://myfaces.apache.org/download.html. This is available in both binary and source distributions.