JSF Core Tag Reference
This section is dedicated to make you understand about JSF Core Tags. All these core tags are contained in JSF Core Tag Library. All of these tags are independent of any particular render kit and perform core actions. To make us enable to use these tags we have to use "taglib" directive at the top of code where "uri" is set to http://java.sun.com.jsf/core and "prefix" is set to "f". Here f is used conventionally but you can use any value of this prefix attribute. uri is used to specify where the core tag library is located. For example :
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %> |
Now any core tag can be used with the help of prefix
"f". For example :
Here in the above ex. view and loadBundle tags have been used with the use of prefix "f" and (attribute, value) pair can be used to provide different functionality. These attributes can be (required) necessary to be mentioned or not depending on the tags used. For ex. in the view tag lacale is not required to be mentioned. If we want to set the locale to "fr" then you can use this attribute otherwise not required to use. But in the second case of loadBundle, both the attributes "basename" and "var" are necessary to be mentioned. All these core tags and all attributes will be discussed in detail in the following sections of this tutorial.