Creating files in jpa project

After creating " JPACRUDApplication " project, you need to follow the following steps

Creating files in jpa project

Creating files in jpa project


After creating "JPACRUDApplication" project, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Right click on "Source Package" and choose new => Folder.

  2. Give the folder name "META-INF" in Folder Name text box.

  3. Select "META-INF" folder and ritht click on it. Select New => XML Document...

  4. Give the file name "persistence" in file name test box.

  5. Select a radio button "Well-formed Docuement" and click on Finish button.

  6. Put the following text in "persistence.xml" file.

  7. Right click on Source Package" and select New => Java Package...

  8. Give the package name "roseindia" in package name text file.