Overview of Networking through JAVA,Getting list of Local Interfaces on a machine

This page discusses - Overview of Networking through JAVA,Getting list of Local Interfaces on a machine

Overview of Networking through JAVA,Getting list of Local Interfaces on a machine

Getting list of Local Interfaces on a machine


Here we are going to explain the method to find out the total no of list of local interfaces available on a machine. Here we are give a complete example named URLDemo.java. In which we call a NetworkInterface class of java.net package which represented the local interface. After that we call a getNetworkInterfaces() method returns the enumeration of all the local interfaces which are instances of NetworkInterface class and displays the list of local interfaces with the machine name and machine IP Address.

Here is the Code of the Example :


import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;

public class InterfaceLister {
  public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception {
  Enumeration enu = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
  while (enu.hasMoreElements()) {
  NetworkInterface net = (NetworkInterfaceenu.nextElement();

The output of the above example is as under when we run the above example. 

Here is the Output of the Example :

C:\roseindia>javac InterfaceLister.java

C:\roseindia>java InterfaceLister
name:lo (MS TCP Loopback interface) index: 1 addresses:

name:eth0 (Intel(R) PRO/100 VM Network Connection) index: 3 addresses:

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