In this program we are going to find records of an excel sheet using POI3.0 API Event.

Find Records of The Rows
Using POI

In this program we are going to find records of an excel
sheet using POI3.0 API
The class RowRecordextends Record implements Comparable. This class is
used to store the row information for the sheet.
The methods used in this example are :
This method is used to get the first column number for the sheet.
This method is used to get the last col number for the sheet.
The code of the program is given below:
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.*;
import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.*;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.eventusermodel.*;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.*;
public class FindRowAtColumn implements HSSFListener
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(args[0]);
POIFSFileSystem poifs = new POIFSFileSystem(fin);
InputStream din = poifs.createDocumentInputStream
HSSFRequest req = new HSSFRequest();
req.addListenerForAllRecords(new FindRowAtColumn());
HSSFEventFactory factory = new HSSFEventFactory();
factory.processEvents(req, din);
public void processRecord(Record record)
switch (record.getSid()) {
case RowRecord.sid:
RowRecord rowrececord = (RowRecord) record;
System.out.println("Row found, first column at "
+ rowrececord.getFirstCol() +
" last column at " + rowrececord.getLastCol());
The output of the program is given below:
FindRowAtColumn example.xls
Row found, first column at 0 last column at 2
Row found, first column at 0 last column at 2
Row found, first column at 0 last column at 2
Row found, first column at 0 last column at 2
Row found, first column at 0 last column at 2
Row found, first column at 0 last column at 2
Row found, first column at 0 last column at 2
Row found, first column at 0 last column at 2
Row found, first column at 0 last column at 2
Row found, first column at 0 last column at 2
Row found, first column at 0 last column at 2
Row found, first column at 0 last column at 2
Row found, first column at 0 last column at 2
Row found, first column at 0 last column at 2
Row found, first column at 0 last column at 2
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