
In this section, you will learn how to use the operation in java.


In this section, you will learn how to use the operation in java.




Operators are symbols that performs some operations on one or more then one operands. Once we declare and initialize variables, we can use operators to perform certain tasks like addition, subtraction etc.

Simple Assignment Operator

   Simple assignment operator

Arithmetic Operators

   Additive operator (also used for String concatenation)
-  Subtraction operator
*  Multiplication operator
/   Division operator
%   Remainder operator

Unary Operators

+  Unary plus operator; indicates positive value (numbers are positive without this, however)
-   Unary minus operator; negates an expression
++  Increment operator; increments a value by 1
--   Decrement operator; decrements a value by 1
!   Logical compliment operator; inverts the value of a boolean

Equality and Relational Operators

==  Equal to
!=   Not equal to
>  Greater than
>=  Greater than or equal to
<  Less than
<=  Less than or equal to

Conditional Operators

&& Conditional-AND
||  Conditional-OR
?:   Ternary (shorthand for if-then-else statement)

Type Comparison Operator

instanceof  Compares an object to a specified type 

Bitwise and Bit Shift Operators

~   Unary bitwise complement
<<   Signed left shift
>>   Signed right sift
>>>   Unsigned right shift
&   Bitwise AND
^  Bitwise exclusive OR
|   Bitwise inclusive OR

These operators follow some precedence to apply. The table below shows the list of operators that follow the precedence. Operators with higher precedence are evaluated before operators with relatively lower precedence. However, Operators on the same line have equal precedence. The rule to deal with equal precedence operators is that all binary operators except for the assignment operators are evaluated from left to right; assignment operators are evaluated right to left.   

 Operators  Precedence
 postfix  expr++,, expr--
 unary  ++expr, --expr, +expr, -expr ~ !
 multiplicative  * / %
 additive  + -
 shift   << >> >>>
 relational  < > , <= , >=  instanceof
 equality  == , !=
 bitwise AND  &
 bitwise exclusive OR  ^
 bitwise inclusive OR  |
 logical AND  &&
 logical OR  ||
 ternary  ? :
 assignment  = , +=,  -=,  *=,  /=,  %=, &=,  ^=,  |=,  <<=,  >>=, >>, >=