How to import a package

There are two ways so that you can use the public classes stored in package.

How to import a package

There are two ways so that you can use the public classes stored in package.

How to import a package

How to import a package


There are two ways so that you can use the public classes stored in package.
  • Declaring the fully-qualified class name. For example,
mypackage.HelloWorld helloworld = new mypackage.HelloWorld();
  • Using an "import" keyword: For example,
       import world.*;    // we can call any public classes inside the mypackage package 

Lets see an example importing the created package into the another program file.


package importpackage;

public class HelloWorld {
  public void show(){
  System.out.println("This is the function of the class HelloWorld!!");

In this program the package "importpackage" is created under the "c:\nisha" directory that will be imported into another program file to call the function of the class "HelloWorld".
Now make a program file named "CallPackage" under the "c:\nisha" directory  importing the package "importpackage".


import importpackage.*;

class CallPackage{
  public static void main(String[] args){
  HelloWorld h2=new HelloWorld();;

Out of the program:

C:\nisha\importpackage>javac *.java



C:\nisha>java CallPackage
This is the function of the class HelloWorld!!

Make sure to the directory structure for this program shown as: