Java write file

Following example demonstrates, how to create and write a file. In the example subclasses of Writer abstract class are used to write on file.

Java write file

Following example demonstrates, how to create and write a file. In the example subclasses of Writer abstract class are used to write on file.

Java write file

Java write file


Following example demonstrates, how to create and write a file. In the example subclasses of  Writer abstract class are used to write on file.
File class is public and found under package. This class extends Object class which is the root of the class hierarchy.
In the example with File class, several character files are created. And as shown in the example these files are written by the objects methods of subclasses of abstract writer class.






Write_File. java


public class Write_File {
  public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
  File flt = new File("codingdiary.doc");
  FileWriter wrt = new FileWriter(flt);

  CharSequence cq = "welcome to future";

  System.out.println("Output is generated in a file codingdiary.doc");

  flt = new File("roseindia.txt");
  PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(
  new FileWriter(flt)));
  out.print("Welcome to");
  System.out.println("Output is generated in a file roseindia.txt");

  flt = new File("rachel_weisz");
  System.out.println("An unknown extension file rachel_weisz is created");

  CharArrayWriter ch = new CharArrayWriter();
  cq = "";


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