The JavaScript type of operator returns the datatype of an operand. You can see in the given example that we have used different variables to show the use of type of Operator.
JavaScript type of Operator
The JavaScript type of operator returns the datatype of an operand. You can see in the given example that we have used different variables to show the use of type of Operator. The operator returns 'object' for the variable1, as we have declared string inside the constructor of the class String. In the var2, we have declared the string therefore it returns the 'string'. The operator returns 'object' for the Date constructor and 'boolean' for the true or false values. It returns the 'number' on declaring the digit and returns 'object' for the null keyword. if a variable has not been defined, the typeof operator will return 'undefined'.
Here is the code:
<html> |
Output will be displayed as: