Java biginteger to String

As we can convert the BigInteger to the long data type and long variable to the BigInteger similarly we can convert the BigInteger to String and String to the BigInteger vice-versa.

Java biginteger to String

As we can convert the BigInteger to the long data type and long variable to the BigInteger similarly we can convert the BigInteger to String and String to the BigInteger vice-versa.

Java biginteger to String

Java biginteger to String


As we can convert the BigInteger to the long data type and long variable to the BigInteger similarly we can convert the BigInteger to String and String to the BigInteger vice-versa. To Convert BigInteger value to the String data type we need to use the method toString() of the BigInteger class. 

In our java example code we have created the two BigInteger variables and these variables are being multiplied and the final result of this multiplication is being converted to the string as follows:


Now since it returns a String therefore we have stored these values into the String variable result. Here is the full example code of as follows:

import java.math.BigInteger;
public class BigIntegerString
  public static void main(String[] args
  BigInteger bigInteger1 = new BigInteger ("12345");
  BigInteger bigInteger2 = new BigInteger ("56789");
  String result = (bigInteger1.multiply(bigInteger2)).toString()
  System.out.println("Result(in String) is  ==> " + result);

Output of the example :


C:\biginteger>java BigIntegerString
Result(in String) is ==> 701060205

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