Java bigdecimal stripTrailingZeros example

Example below demonstrates working of bigdecimal class stripTrailingZeros method. Method returns bigdecimal object values.

Java bigdecimal stripTrailingZeros example

Example below demonstrates working of bigdecimal class stripTrailingZeros method. Method returns bigdecimal object values.

Java bigdecimal stripTrailingZeros example

Java bigdecimal stripTrailingZeros example


Example below demonstrates working of bigdecimal class stripTrailingZeros method. Method returns bigdecimal object values. This bigdecimal class method generates bigdecimal values after removing the trailing zeros of  the fractional part. Value returned by the method is numerically equal to this.object value but with no trailing zeros.

For example if the bigdecimal value is 52.000 then the method will generated answer 52 because this 52 is numerically equal and without any trailing zeros.

On the bases of above illustration, it is clear that for any integer or decimal bigdecimal value,  method result  will be a numerical equal value without any trailing zeros.

Method generates NumberFormatException, if it finds the bigdecimal value other than integers and double types values. 

Syntax for using the method: public BigDecimal stripTrailingZeros() 
BigDecimal obj = new BigDecimal(double), obj_1 = new BIgDecimal(0);
  obj_1 = obj.signum();

import java.math.BigDecimal;

public class Java_bigdecimal_stripTrailingZeros {
  public static void main(String args[]) {

  double value = -500.000;
  BigDecimal obj_0 = new BigDecimal(value), obj_1;

  obj_1 = obj_0.stripTrailingZeros();
  System.out.println(" value processed : " + value
  "\nmethod generated value : " + obj_1);

  value = 203.000000;
  obj_0 = new BigDecimal(value);
  obj_1 = obj_0.stripTrailingZeros();
  System.out.println("\n value processed : " + value
  "\nmethod generated value : " + obj_1);

  value = -125.000000000;
  obj_0 = new BigDecimal(value);
  obj_1 = obj_0.stripTrailingZeros();
  System.out.println("\n value processed : " + value
  "\nmethod generated value : " + obj_1);


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