Java bigdecimal class floatValue() method translates bigdecimal value in to float type value. Method throws NumberFormatException if it finds value other than a integer or float.
Java BigDecimal floatValue method example
Java bigdecimal class floatValue() method translates bigdecimal
value in to float type value. Method throws NumberFormatException if it finds value other than a integer or
float. In the example four bigdecimal objects namely: weisz_0, weisz_1, weisz_2 & weisz_3 respectively have been created.
In the example along with method generated result, original bigdecimal
value is also shown.
Syntax for using the method: public float floatValue()
BigDecimal x = this.object.floatValue();
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class Java_BigDecimal_float {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String rachel[] = {"http://", "www.", "newstrackindia", ".com"};
BigDecimal weisz_0 = new BigDecimal(rachel.length + 0.451245124512),
weisz_1 = new BigDecimal(rachel[0].length() + 0.1234213421342134),
weisz_2 = new BigDecimal(rachel[1].length() + 0.7896789678967896),
weisz_3 = new BigDecimal(rachel[2].length() + 0.3658365836583658);
System.out.println("BigDecimal objects values \n'weisz_0 '\nvalue : "
+ weisz_0
+"\nfloat value : " + weisz_0.floatValue());
System.out.println("\n'weisz_1 '\nvalue : " + weisz_1
+"\nfloat value : " + weisz_1.floatValue());
System.out.println("\n'weisz_3'\nvalue : " + weisz_2
+"\nfloat value : " + weisz_2.floatValue());
System.out.println("\n'weisz_3 '\nvalue : " + weisz_3
+"\nfloat value : " + weisz_3.floatValue());
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