This section provides an example that adds under lines in java.
adding Under Lines
In this program we are going to tell you how you can
add underlines. You can any number of lines. This example gives you
an idea ,how to make a java program to add a underline and you can also
make program for making line on the text.
In this example we create chunk and then we use the setUnderLine(0.2f,
) method to add the line. There are
an other chunk object on which we use setUnderLine(0.5f,
).So you can create any number of
chunk object and set line as your requirements.
Code Description:
You can create line for chunk object to any
position of the text .
To make a program you need to import
some packages one more package:
import java.awt.Color;
setUnderLine(float f,float f):We use the setUnderLine(float f,float f) method. Float values may be negative or positive depending on where you want to fix the line for the text.
You can create line on small text .For this Chunk class is provided by iText API,s.
The code of the program is given below:
import java.awt.Color;
The output of the program is given below: