First Java Program

In this section you will learn how to develop your first Java program and then compile and test the same on your development machine.

First Java Program

In this section you will learn how to develop your first Java program and then compile and test the same on your development machine.

First Java Program

First Java Program


In this section you will learn how to develop your first Java program and then compile and test the same on your development machine.

Write first Program in Java

In Java, all source code is written in plain text files with the .java extension. These source files are then compiled into .class files by the javac compiler. This .class file does not contain code that is native to your processor; instead it contains bytecodes that is the machine language for the Java Virtual Machine. 

You can write a Hello World program as your first Java program. Hello world program is the first step of java programming  language. To write the Hello world program you need simple text editor like note pad and  make sure the JDK must be install on your machine for compiling and running that program. 

Learn to write Hello World Java program at

Compile and Test the Program

Java provides javac compiler to compile the Java program. To compile your HelloWorld program, open the command prompt. Go to the directory where you have saved the file  and issue the following command to compile the program:


Learn how to compile and run Java File at