This section describes you about the concept of OOPs.
What Is OOPS In Java
In this section we will learn about the basics of Java. Here we will see the concepts of OOPs. We will discuss the basics of OOPs.
OOPs, stands for Object Oriented Programming System that specifies a model for programming where the programmer focuses mainly around "Objects". In the object oriented programming language paradigm at first, all the objects are identified which has to be manipulate and then it is generalize as a class of object. Basically, an Object is an instance of a class. OOPs provides various concepts such as, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Abstraction, etc.
The First Object Oriented Programming language is the Simula and the Smalltalk is the first complete object-oriented programming language. Now a days various languages implements the concept of OOPs. for example, Java, .NET, Python etc. Java is the language that implements the features of OOPs and is written as to use on the distributed applications either they are on corporate networks or internet.
Basics of OOPs
Object Oriented Programming System is a concept for designing programs using class and objects. Historically, the programs were written in procedural languages such as C. Programming in procedural languages were very difficult. Maintenance of the developed softwares using procedural languages was difficult. After, the implementation of OOPs in the programming languages made the software development easy and more maintainable. The basic concepts of OOPs are as follows :
- Object : A real world entity is an object. An entity that
has a state and behavior is called an Object. An object can be tangible or
intangible. It has three characteristics namely : State, Behavior, and Identity.
for example, Car, Table, etc.
- Class : In OOPs Class provides a basic template or
blueprint for defining properties, it may contains the group of objects with the
common properties. Class allows for creating objects. A class may contain the
following things : Data member, Constructor, Methods, Blocks etc.
- Inheritance : Inheritance is the feature of OOPs using
which the property of a parent class can be inherited to the child class. An
inheritance facilitate the reusability of code. In Java programming inheritance
is implemented using the "extends" keyword. A child class can inherit only the
properties which are used with the prefix access modifier "public" and
"protected". Java doesn't support multiple inheritance.
- Polymorphism : Polymorphism is the feature of OOPs that
allows to write the various methods with the same name. Java supports two types
of polymorphism know as compile time polymorphism and run time
- Encapsulation : Encapsulation is the feature of OOPs that
combines the methods and attributes into a class. This class is encapsulating
the properties.
- Abstraction : Abstraction is the special feature of OOPs that abstract the unwanted data from the user how have not concerned to it.
Some miscellaneous topics
Association : Association specifies the relationship between two classes into which the object of one class does the operation based on the other class. Using this feature method, data member of another class can be invoked.
Aggregation : Aggregation specifies the relationship between two classes into which the object of one class is the member of another class.
Composition : Composition specifies the aggregation relationship between two classes into which the object of one class is the compulsory member of another class.