Java SDK Directory Structure

This section introduces the Directory and file structure of SDK (Software Development Kit).

Java SDK Directory Structure

This section introduces the Directory and file structure of SDK (Software Development Kit).

Java SDK Directory Structure

Java SDK Directory Structure


This section introduces the Directory and file structure of SDK (Software Development Kit). The following figure shows jdk1.5.0 software stored in 'c' directory that has multiple subdirectories like bin, demo, include and jre etc. to hold all important developing and testing tools. See detail information bellow.

SDK Directory Structure:

Subdirectories of the SDK:

The jdk1.5.0 has following directory:

Bin directory - The bin directory provides all inessential tools for developing and testing the program through the help of command provided by Java compiler.

Demo directory - This directory consists many applications and applets with source code. 

Include directory - It contains all header files like for 'C' programming language that enables you to combine C code into a Java program.

Jre directory - When you run any java program then you have to compile it by the help of  Java interpreter or Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The SDK uses the internal adaptation of JRE, which containing in the jre root directory.

Lib directory - This is a most important directory for development tools that contains libraries and it's supported files.

Docs directory - It is the last directory of Software Development Kit that assists you to store the Java documents. The docs directory is an optional directory.

Files of the SDK:

JDK1.5.0 directory has following files that provide the detail information about it.

README.html : The jdk1.5.0 directory provides an html file that contains the detail information of SDK shown on the web browser. This file contains all system requirements, features and documentation links to represents all information's about the jdk1.5.0. The zip file is a collection of one of more files that has been compressed or stored to '.zip' extension. Similarly, the scr.sip file contains the source code of SDK. It become necessary to extract the file that contain the source code from the ZIP file.