Find the Day of the Week

This example finds the specified date of an year and a day of a week from calendar.

Find the Day of the Week

This example finds the specified date of an year and a day of a week from calendar.

Find the Day of the Week

Find the Day of the Week


This example finds the specified date of  an year and a day of a week from calendar.

The Calendar class is an abstract base class that extends Object class and converts a Date object into a set of integer fields. Calendar class provides a getInstance()  method  for returning a Calendar object whose time fields have been initialized with the current date and time.

The methods used:
getTime(): This method gets the current time from the calendar.

setTimeInMillis(long millis): This method sets the current time in a calendar object.

getInstance(): This method gets a calendar object containing the default time zone, locale and current time.

The fields used: 
DAY_OF_WEEK: This field is used to  get and set a day indicating the day of the week. This field takes values SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY.

DAY_OF_YEAR: This field gets and sets the day to indicate the day number within a current year. e.g. The first day of the year has value 1.

YEAR: This field is used to get and set the year for indicating the year.

The code of the program is given below:

import java.util.Calendar; 
public class DayOfYearToDayOfWeek{
  public static void main(String[] args){
  Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
  for(int i=2000;i<2005;i++){
  calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, i);
  int weekday = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
  System.out.println("Weekday: " + weekday);

The output of the program is given below:

C:\rajesh\kodejava>javac DayOfYearToDayOfWeek
C:\rajesh\kodejava>java DayOfYearToDayOfWeek
Fri Dec 31 16:21:22 GMT+05:30 1999
Weakday: 6
Sun Dec 31 16:21:22 GMT+05:30 2000
Weakday: 1
Mon Dec 31 16:21:55 GMT+05:30 2001
Weekday: 2
Tue Dec 31 16:21:55 GMT+05:30 2002
Weekday: 3
Wed Dec 31 16:21:55 GMT+05:30 2003
Weekday: 4

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