J2ME Kxml Example

This is the simple kxml application, In this application we'll show you how to work with kxml parser and how to parse the xml file in the midlet

J2ME Kxml Example

J2ME Kxml Example


  1. J2ME Kxml Example
    This is the simple kxml application, In this application we'll show you how to work with kxml parser and how to parse the xml file in the midlet
  2. J2ME Kxml Connection Example
    This is the XML connection example. In this section, we'll develop a J2ME application that a user can connect to the xml file from localhost and print it on the console.
  3. KXML Parse Example
    In this section, we will develop a J2ME application to parses the RSS document and then display the data on the mobile screen. RSS (rich site summary) is a simple XML format, that summarizes headlines and story descriptions which is published on the website.
  4. Kxml Parser Example
    In this example we use "catching parsing events" way to parse the xml. Through 'catching parsing events', the parser traverses the XML data and issues callbacks to a previously registered event listener whenever it encounters particular structures in the data.