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Integrated Struts 2 Hibernate and JPA Training

This training is delivered through online video conference through out the world. Our experts will be providing the training from the coming week. So, come and join the earliest as the seats are reserved with first-come first-serve basis.

Integrated Struts 2 Hibernate and JPA Training


This training is delivered through online video conference through out the world. Our experts will be providing the training from the coming week. So, come and join the earliest as the seats are reserved with first-come first-serve basis. 

Course Objective:ADS_TO_REPLACE_1

Learn how to develop Apache Struts 2 based application. After completing the course, you will be able to develop the complex web and enterprise applications with Struts 2, Hibernate and JPA frameworks.

Course Fee:

The full course is of 10 hours. The fee of the course is US$250. 

Payment Options:ADS_TO_REPLACE_2

a) Online Bank Transfer (Only for Indian students)
If you are in India, you can pay the fee by transferring the money to the following ICICI bank account.

Online Bank Transfer Details:
Account Holder Name: Deepak Kumar
ICICI Bank Account Number: 000701049501
ICICI Bank Branch: 9A, Phelps Building, C.P. New Delhi

b) Payment through Cheque/DDADS_TO_REPLACE_3

Please send DD/cheque in favor of  "Rose India " at
following address.

Sector-3, Rohini
New Delhi-110085 (India)
Phone: +91-11-2751 4442
Mobile No: 91-9313063554

c) Payment through paypal

If you stay outside India, you can pay to our paypal id Click here to fill the registration form for next online training.ADS_TO_REPLACE_4

Course Content:

Introduction to Struts 2 and developing a sample struts 2 application

  1. Struts 2 
    * Introduction to Struts 2
    * Struts 2 architecture (MVC) 
    * Getting Struts 2
    * Struts action class
    * Struts hello world application
  2. Hibernate
    * Introduction to Hibernate 3
    * Hibernate architecture
    * Hibernate annotation
    * Crud application example
  3. JPA 
    * Introduction to JPA
    * JPA Basics
    * Elements of JPA
    * Basic steps
    * O/R success factors
  4. JPA API Overview
    * Persistence
    * EntityManagerFactory
    * EntityManager
    * Query
  5. Setting up the environment
    * Libraries
    * Data Source
  6. Simple CRUD Example
  7. Spring
    Introduction to Spring
    * Spring architecture
    * Dependency injection/inversion of control
    * BeanFactory configuration
    * AOP
    * Spring bean example
  8. Developing Application using hibernate, JPA and Spring 
    Introduction to the example application
    * Application Architecture
    * Tomcat Server
    * Introduction to Maven 2
    * Developing presentation layer
    * Developing controller layer
    * Developing Business layer
    * Developing Integration layer - Hibernate, Spring, JPA
    * Developing the database for the application
    * Compiling and packaging the application using maven build tool
  9. Finally you will learn deployment process.

* Note: Training will be provided through online video conferencing facility. You must have a computer with internet connection and flash enabled web browser. Course examples will be provided to you before training commencement.ADS_TO_REPLACE_5

Contact us at for your training requirements.

It Training Inquiry Form
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Your Requirement:*

Posted on: December 11, 2008 If you enjoyed this post then why not add us on Google+? Add us to your Circles


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