The training is designed for the MCA students who want to speed up their technical skills and proficiencies into real time development environment. The course contains fundamental and advance introduction to the modern programming languages like Java and J2EE. It is totally a hands-on training that is palatable for Java developers of any level.
Being based on advance J2EE technologies, this MCA project training in Java is definitely for the MCA final year students. The students who have appeared for the fourth semester exam may also apply. ADS_TO_REPLACE_1
This MCA project training is a golden chance for any individual seeking for a good start in the IT Industry. While undergoing the Project Training in Java, you will be able to explore your technical skills with innovative ideas and live projects. Our IT industry experts will guide and illustrate you on each of the modules and project requirements as well as they will help you master the other skills related to the subject.
All trainers having more than 5 years of experience in both J2EE development and virtual as well as onsite training are well able to take in hand your needs. This short-term course is more than enough to turn any fresher into an excellent developer in J2EE Technologies.
Prerequisites for the Course:ADS_TO_REPLACE_2
Course Details:
Apply now for MCA Project Training:
Contact us at for your training requirements.
Posted on: October 18, 2006 If you enjoyed this post then why not add us on Google+? Add us to your Circles
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