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JSF Training

JSF Training Overview JSF (JavaServer Faces) is Sun's standard Java web development technology. This technology greatly simplifies developing web applications and is well suited to create rich web applications. It is a robust component based framework, e

JSF Training


JSF Training Overview

JavaServer Faces is a standard framework of components originated by Sun Microsystem for creating rich user interfaces for Java applications. It is a standard web technology that runs on the server, but displays on the client. JSF technology simplifies the programming and offers lots of reusable UI components, extensible architecture, support for multiple client devices and several other facilities. ADS_TO_REPLACE_1

RoseIndia Technologies offers live onsite or online training at your home through gtalk, Skype and audio & video conference. Besides providing online training in JSF, we also solve queries on JSF at the moment.

Our 4-day JSF training module will benefit to all the novice programmers who have basic knowledge of Core Java, Servlet and JSP. In a very short period, we efficiently cover entire basic concepts of JSF technology that will enable you to implement all theoretical concepts of JSF in developing modest JSF web application. The 4-day JSF training programme at Roseindia is adequate enough for stepping ahead to advanced JSF Training Programme of RoseIndia. If you try to apply the codes for developing the programmes, we claim that you will definitely become an efficient programmer.

In our training program, we will teach you how to Write Tag Handler, Create Tag Library Descriptor, Create Custom Component Classes, Delegate Rendering to a Renderer, to handling Events and form a database forms application. Our study material and teaching pattern will best suit to your career. ADS_TO_REPLACE_2

Candidate should be familiar with concepts of Core Java, Servlet and JSP.

Training Duration: 4 days 

JSF Training Outline  

Day 1
1. JSF Overview

What is JSF?

Advantages of JSF (vs. Standard MVC)ADS_TO_REPLACE_4

Advantages of JSF (vs. Struts)

JSF Features

How JSF Fits For Web Applications? ADS_TO_REPLACE_5

2. Understanding JSF lifecycle

Restore view phase

Apply request values phaseADS_TO_REPLACE_6

Process validations phase

Update model values phase

Invoke application phaseADS_TO_REPLACE_7

Render response phase

3. Installing JSF (Sun Reference Implementation (RI)) in TOMCAT

4. Simple JSF Hello Application

Create development directory structure

  Create and place configuration files

Create JSP pages

Create a properties file

Create a managed beanADS_TO_REPLACE_9

Register managed bean in configuration file

Define a navigation rule in configuration file

Registering the FacesServlet in web.xmlADS_TO_REPLACE_10

Run the application 

Day 2
5. JSF User Interface Components

Standard ComponentsADS_TO_REPLACE_11

Custom Components

6. JSF Tags

JSF Expression LanguageADS_TO_REPLACE_12


JSF Core Tag 

7. Controlling Page NavigationADS_TO_REPLACE_13

Static Navigation

Dynamic Navigation

Using redirect elementADS_TO_REPLACE_14

Specifying wild-cards

 8. Managed Beans

JavaBeans and JSFADS_TO_REPLACE_15

Using beans to represent request parameters

Declaring beans in faces-config.xml

Referring to beans in input formsADS_TO_REPLACE_16

Bean Scopes

Day 3
9. JSF Validators

Using Standard Validators ADS_TO_REPLACE_17

Creating Custom Validators

Register Custom Validator

Using a Custom Validator ADS_TO_REPLACE_18

10. JSF Converters

Using Standard Converters

Writing and Using Custom ConvertersADS_TO_REPLACE_19

 11. JSF Events Handling

Action Events

Value Change EventsADS_TO_REPLACE_20

Phase Events

 12. Binding Component Values and Instances to External Data Sources

Component Value to a PropertyADS_TO_REPLACE_21

Component Value to an Implicit Object

Component Instance to a Bean Property

Day 4
13. Developing Custom Components

Writing Tag Handler

Creating Tag Library Descriptor

Creating Custom Component ClassesADS_TO_REPLACE_23

Delegating Rendering to a Renderer

Handling Events

 14. Using Localized MessagesADS_TO_REPLACE_24

Referencing a ResourceBundle from a Page

Referencing a Localized Message

15. Working with JSF and CSS
16. Working with JSF and JavaScript
17. Dealing with Databases



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Posted on: March 27, 2008 If you enjoyed this post then why not add us on Google+? Add us to your Circles



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