Installing iPhone SDK

In this tutorial you will learn the process of downloading and installing Xcode. Xcode contains the iPhone SDK

Installing iPhone SDK

Downloading and Installing iPhone SDK?


Downloading SDK for iPhone

Apple's iPhone has a different type of development tools that needs to download from the official site of Apple. Downloading SDK and its API's is easy and simple, but requires a user account with the official website. If you have an account with Apple's official website, you can download it easily otherwise, you will have to first create an account with the official site.

The downloading SDK is easy from the Apple website, the software storage area of the site, but before downloading it first let's know the terminology of SDK and API.

Here, the term SDK means the software development kit used for developing a specific system while API refers to Application Programming Interface that allows the programmers to apply it's tool for developing program for any system.

The Apple's SDK enables the programmers to develop software for iPhone. The pre-knowledge of Objective C is essential for the programmers to develop any program for iPhone. Moreover, the knowledge of Cocoa is also essential for developing the software.

Downloading SDK :

  1. Type in the address bar of your web browser. This is the iPhone Dev Center, and it offers multiple resources for the iPhone.
  2. Click on the ?Login? button on the right-hand side of the page. Use the following pages to either login using your Apple ID, or create a new Apple ID.
  3. Upon successful login, you will be returned to the Dev Center main page. Under the downloads section you should see a link to ?iPhone SDK for iPhone OS 2.2.? Click on this link. The downloading of 1.6GB file will kick off. It can take 3 hours (or longer) duration depending up on the speed of your Internet connection.

Installing the SDK:

•  After completing the download, the user will have to install it on his/ her system to complete the process. For this, Double Click on the .dmg file covered within the download folder.

•  The Double click will open the disk image. Double-click on the installer package inside of the disk image. The installer will launch and allow you to install the SDK.

•  Just follow the on-screen instructions after that

The installation will complete now, but it will eat up nearly 2-3GBs of hard disk space of your computer.

After completing the installation, the user will find a new ?Developer' folder on the top the top level of your hard drive. This folder contains the main tools used for creating the iPhone applications.

You can also find the Xcode executable by searching through the Finder application of Max Os X.