J2EE Interviews Question page20
- What is XML registry ?
An infrastructure that enables the building, deployment, and discovery of Web services. It is a neutral third party that facilitates dynamic and loosely coupled business-to-business (B2B) interactions.
What is XML Schema ?
The W3C specification for defining the structure, content, and semantics of XML documents.
What is XPath ?
An addressing mechanism for identifying the parts of an XML document.
What is XPointer ?
The part of the XLL specification that is concerned with identifying sections of documents so that they can be referenced in links or included in other documents.
What is XSL-FO ?
A subcomponent of XSL used for describing font sizes, page layouts, and how information flows from one page to another.
What is component (JavaServer Faces technology) ?
A user interface control that outputs data to a client or allows a user to input data to a JavaServer Faces application.