Difficult Interview Questions Page -9
Question 81: What is your biggest weakness as a manager?
Answer: Accept your biggest weakness honestly. but be
positive. There could be many answers of this question. e.g., "I don't enjoy
admonishing people, so I try to begin with something positive first."
Question 82: What makes you mad?
Answer: Though I am a cool person and nothing really makes me mad,
yet certain things makes me upset like cheating, rudeness, arrogance,
liar, spitefulness and blaw blaw. Choose any obvious nasty traits or behaviors
that interviewer itself dislikes it personally too.
Question 83: Have you ever had to fire people? What were the reasons, and how did you handle the situation?
Answer: Accept it if you had done this. Explain that the situation was
out of control, it was not easy to handle, so I've to fired that
person. Explain that what was the matter and how you handle it also
mentioned that this action worked out well and it became beneficial
in the favor of both, the company and the employee. You must
illustrate that though you don't enjoy unpleasant tasks but that you can resolve them efficiently and
wont be hesitate to fire anyone but humanely not brutally.
Question 84: How Would You Deal with a High-Strung Personality?
Answer: This question is asked to get an idea of about your
confidence and communication skills. You must answer this question with
confidence and ask the interviewer panel, "Am I not dealing
you?" This makes the environment light up to some extent. You
may answer like this, " If any difficult or high-strung
personality asks something as a client, I tries my best to satisfied them.
If they have any sort of problem, I primarily tries to resolve the
problems as become a team leader. I try my best to give the solution. If
unable to fulfill their requirement, which happed rarely, I sent those to
our seniors.
Question 85: What important trends do you see in our industry?
Answer: If you are an experienced person, you must have
the knowledge of your job background, so be ready to answer this question with two or three trends that illustrate how well you understand your industry.
If you are a fresher, you might have done some research about the job
background for which you are going for the interview. You answer should focus
on the technological challenges or opportunities, economic conditions, or even regulatory demands
of the industry.
Question 86: Do you generally speak to people before they speak to you?
Answer: It depends on the circumstances.
Question 87: How would you describe your own personality?
Answer: This question can be asked to you in another way like
"Describe your personality in one words?" The main purpose for asking
this sort of question is to get an idea of your
personality in your own words. "What do you think about
yourself?" The answers may differ from person to person
depending upon it's strength and weakness. But before answering must realize
about the types of job, designation and company. What are the requirements
of these? "Balanced" is the nice word to be used.
Question 88: What would your references say about you?
Answer: This is the biggest opportunity to illustrate your positive
personality, your strengths, skills and behavior before them. It may be
also a good answer, "It would be better that you should
ask this question to my references that I've mentioned in my application or in
resume. They will speak the exact fact about
Question 89: Can we check your references?
Answer: Yes sir, why not.
Question 90: How do you like to be managed /not like to be managed?
Answer: To be honest and truthful, deliver your answer in such a way
that express your attitude as a dominating nature, but in the mild and soft
style. e.g. "I'm very flexible and easily assimilate in to the most management styles. In the
previous jobs, many times, I've helped my bosses to get the best out of me by talking to them and
developed a mutual understanding between us. They provided me
freedom and give some responsibilities to load off their shoulders."
also mentioned that how do you not like to be managed by giving some
logical examples without being negative.