Writing ORM for Insurance table

In this lesson we will write the java class and add
necessary code in the contact.hbm.xml file.
Create POJO class:
Here is the code of our java file (Insurance.java), which we will map to the
insurance table.
package roseindia.tutorial.hibernate;
import java.util.Date;
* @author Deepak Kumar
* http://www.roseindia.net
* Java Class to map to the database insurance table
public class Insurance {
private long lngInsuranceId;
private String insuranceName;
private int investementAmount;
private Date investementDate;
* @return Returns the insuranceName.
public String getInsuranceName() {
return insuranceName;
* @param insuranceName The insuranceName to set.
public void setInsuranceName(String insuranceName) {
this.insuranceName = insuranceName;
* @return Returns the investementAmount.
public int getInvestementAmount() {
return investementAmount;
* @param investementAmount The investementAmount
to set.
public void setInvestementAmount(int investementAmount)
this.investementAmount = investementAmount;
* @return Returns the investementDate.
public Date getInvestementDate() {
return investementDate;
* @param investementDate The investementDate to set.
public void setInvestementDate(Date investementDate) {
this.investementDate = investementDate;
* @return Returns the lngInsuranceId.
public long getLngInsuranceId() {
return lngInsuranceId;
* @param lngInsuranceId The lngInsuranceId to set.
public void setLngInsuranceId(long lngInsuranceId) {
this.lngInsuranceId = lngInsuranceId;
Adding mappings into contact.hbm.xml file
Add the following code into contact.hbm.xml file.
<class name="roseindia.tutorial.hibernate.
Insurance" table="insurance">
<id name="lngInsuranceI d" type="long" column="ID" >
<generator class="increment"/>
<property name="insuranceName">
<column name="insurance_name" />
<property name="investementAmount">
<column name="invested_amount" />
<property name="investementDate">
<column name="investement_date" />
Now we have created the POJO class and necessary
mapping into contact.hbm.xml file.