Writing ORM for Insurance table

In this lesson we will write the java class and add necessary code in the contact.hbm.xml file.

Writing ORM for Insurance table

Writing ORM for Insurance table


In this lesson we will write the java class and add necessary code in the contact.hbm.xml file.

Create POJO class:
Here is the code of our java file (Insurance.java), which we will map to the insurance table.

package roseindia.tutorial.hibernate;

import java.util.Date;
 @author Deepak Kumar
 * http://www.roseindia.net
 * Java Class to map to the database insurance table
public class Insurance {
  private long lngInsuranceId;
  private String insuranceName;
  private int investementAmount;
  private Date investementDate;
 @return Returns the insuranceName.
  public String getInsuranceName() {
  return insuranceName;
 @param insuranceName The insuranceName to set.
  public void setInsuranceName(String insuranceName) {
  this.insuranceName = insuranceName;
 @return Returns the investementAmount.
  public int getInvestementAmount() {
  return investementAmount;
 @param investementAmount The investementAmount

 to set.
  public void setInvestementAmount(int investementAmount)

  this.investementAmount = investementAmount;
 @return Returns the investementDate.
  public Date getInvestementDate() {
  return investementDate;
 @param investementDate The investementDate to set.
  public void setInvestementDate(Date investementDate) {
  this.investementDate = investementDate;
 @return Returns the lngInsuranceId.
  public long getLngInsuranceId() {
  return lngInsuranceId;
 @param lngInsuranceId The lngInsuranceId to set.
  public void setLngInsuranceId(long lngInsuranceId) {
  this.lngInsuranceId = lngInsuranceId;

Adding mappings into  contact.hbm.xml file
Add the following code into 
contact.hbm.xml file.

 <class name="roseindia.tutorial.hibernate.
Insurance" table="insurance">
		<id name="lngInsuranceI
d" type="long" column="ID" > <generator class="increment"/> </id> <property name="insuranceName"> <column name="insurance_name" /> </property> <property name="investementAmount"> <column name="invested_amount" /> </property> <property name="investementDate"> <column name="investement_date" /> </property> </class>

Now we have created the POJO class and necessary mapping into contact.hbm.xml file.