Search Engine Interface

In this section we will describe about the search and index interface of our search engine.

Search Engine Interface

Search Engine Interface


In this section we will describe about the search and index interface of our search engine. For searching and displaying the result we have nice interface, you can even modify it according to your requirement. For indexing the new pages of the website we have a form that takes the input from the user and then indexes into full text index.

Searching the website information:

1. Visit http://localhost:8080/roseindiasearch/ and you will see the following url


2. Enter the search criteria such as "Hibernate" in the search box and press "Search" button. 

3. Hibernate Search will search the data from Lucene Index and display on the page as shown below:

Adding new pages to the Lucene index:

 1. Go to the url http://localhost:8080/roseindiasearch/search.action by clicking on the "Add New Web Page" link as shown below:

2. Then enter the URL, Title and Page content as shown below:


3. Then click on the "Submit" button. Application will add the data into database as well as Lucene index.