Hibernate Tutorials
Deepak Kumar
Deepak Kumar is specialized in J2EE technologies, having 6+ years of experience in the S/W field.
His current interests and expertise involves the design and implementation of J2EE applications involving data and knowledge management systems from conception to implementation.
He has a good experience into Java and J2EE designing and development. He has
worked for many national and international clients as developer and designer on
J2EE technologies.
His core competency are requirement analysis and designing and project estimations.
Here is a tutorial written by him on hibernate.
Abstract: Hibernate is popular open source object relational mapping tool for Java platform. It provides powerful, ultra-high performance object/relational persistence and query service for Java. Hibernate lets you develop persistent classes following common Java idiom - including association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition and the Java collections framework.
Hibernate lets you develop persistent classes following common Java idiom -
including association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition and the Java
collections framework.
Hibernate takes care of the mapping from Java classes to database tables and
also provides data query and retrieval facilities. Hibernate significantly
reduces development time in the software projects.
Topics Covered in the Hibernate Tutorial:
- Introduction to Hibernate 3.0
This lesson introduces you with the Hibernate 3.0 and provides the detailed features of the Hibernate 3.0
- Hibernate
In this lesson you will learn the architecture of Hibernate.
- First
Hibernate Application
This section describes you how to develop sample Hibernate Application.
- Running the Example in
This section shows you how to run the example in the Eclipse.
- Understanding Hibernate O/R Mapping
This section describes the each component of the hibernate mapping file..
- Understanding Hibernate <generator> element
In this lesson you will learn about hibernate <generator> method in detail. Hibernate generator element generates the primary key for new record.
- Using Hibernate <generator> to generate id incrementally
In this lesson I will show you how to write running program to demonstrate it.
Hibernate Query Language - Introduction to Hibernate Query Language
In this lesson you will learn about Hibernate Query Language and its features.
- Preparing table for HQL Examples
In this lesson you will create insurance table and populate it with the data for future examples.
- Developing POJO class
In this lesson we will write the java class and add necessary code in the contact.hbm.xml file.
- HQL from Clause Example
The from clause is the simplest possible Hibernate Query. In this example you will learn how to use the HQL from clause.
- HQL Select Clause Example
In this lesson we will write example code to select the data from Insurance table using Hibernate Select Clause.
- HQL Where Clause Example
Where Clause is used to limit the results returned from database. In this lesson you will learn how to use HQL Where Clause.
- HQL Group By Clause Example
Group by clause is used to return the aggregate values by grouping on returned component. In this lesson you will learn how to use HQL Group By Clause.
- HQL Order By Example
Order by clause is used to retrieve the data from database in the sorted order by any property of returned class or components. In this lesson you will learn how to use HQL Order By Clause.
Hibernate Criteria Query - Hibernate Criteria Query Example
In this lesson you will learn how to use Hibernate Criteria Query.
- Narrowing the result set
In this lesson you will learn how to use Hibernate Criteria Query to narrow down the result data.
Email: roseindia_net@yahoo.com