Java XPath

The XPath language

Java XPath

Java XPath


The XPath language

-- is a W3C-defined language. W3C hosts the XPath Version 1.0 specification.
-- provides a simple syntax required to select nodes from an XML document.
-- XPath finds information in an XML document.
-- It navigates through attributes and elements of an XML document.
-- XPath converts a node from a XML DOM tree to a  double, boolean or string value. 
-- recently it has been accepted world wide as a stand-alone language, because a single XPath expression can be used to replace many lines of DOM API code.
-- In Java, Package javax.xml.xpath provides an object-model neutral API which evaluates the XPath expressions.
-- This API ( Package javax.xml.xpath) enables the java programs to access the evaluation environment.
-- Java XPath APIs allows to access the XPath expressions from the java applications.