Java try, catch, and finally

The try, catch, and finally keywords are Java keywords that are used to handle the exception in a program.

Java try, catch, and finally

Java try, catch, and finally  


The try, catch, and finally keywords are Java keywords that are used to handle the exception in a program. 

The mechanism to handle exceptions in Java is achieved through the use of the try and catch blocks. Catch block in java language handles only one type of exception however you can use more than one catch clause in a single try block. 

Simply an erroneous code (that may cause the exception to occur) is wrapped in the try block. Then it is followed by the multiple catch blocks. And if the exception occurs then this catch block specifies a code that should be executed.

The syntax to use the try, catch and finally block is given below:

/  Put the code here.

catch (<exceptionclass1> <obj1>)

