Java Synchronized

The keyword synchronized entitled to the method or block is used to prevent it from being accessed simultaneously and save the state of an object from being corrupted.

Java Synchronized

Java Synchronized


The keyword synchronized entitled to the method or block is used to prevent it from being accessed simultaneously and save the state of an object from being corrupted. There are two ways to implement the keyword synchronized:

  1. Synchronized Methods:
    If you want a method of an object to be executed by one thread at a time then the method can be specified with the keyword synchronized. Method is needed to be synchronized in situation where method can manipulate the state of an object in ways that can corrupt the state if executed concurrently.
  2. Synchronized Blocks (Statements):
    It is the other way of synchronizing the code. In this approach, the block is provided an object to allow execution of block of code to be synchronized on the lock of this object.

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