Java For Firefox
Thorough this tutorial we are trying to explain how to install Java
plugins to work with the Mozilla Firefox browser.
If you have not already installed Firefox then follow this installation process to successfully install the firefox.
Installing Mozilla Firefox
Check whether Mozilla Firefox is compiled with the java or not USE flag enabled:
# eix -e mozilla-firefox |
If you don't have eix, then see at the link TIP Speed up searches in portage#Possibility_Nr._2:_EiX
If you don't have then add the corresponding java USE flag for mozilla-firefox:
# echo "www-client/mozilla-firefox java" >> /etc/portage/package.use |
or you can add java USE flag globally to /etc/make.conf. Both cases requires recompiling firefox using:
# emerge -av mozilla-firefox |
Now you have successfully installed Mozilla Firefox, Now lets proceed to the installation process of Java.
Installing Java
A couple of different Java Virtual Machines (JVM) are available to install in Gentoo. Its upto you whether to install Sun's JVM or Blackdown Java. But both the way requires nsplugin USE flag, either on the command line or in your make.conf: this should make it work first time, with no linking necessary.
Note: Don't use browserplugin and mozila USE flags as they became obsolete.
Note: You must use sun-jre in case of Use Blackdown or check AMD64 tech-notes or HOWTO AMD64.
Java Runtime Environment, can be directly retrieved from Sun Microsystems by using the following command:
echo "dev-java/sun-jre-bin
nsplugin" >> /etc/portage/package.use emerge -av sun-jre-bin |
Due to licensing issues, you will be given a site where you need to download the JRE file and put that file in /usr/portage/distfiles and then run the emerge command again. If you have any questions at this step, please follow the instructions that are output by the emerge command.
Note: We don't need to perform a separate download in case of sun-jre-bin-
Note: Make sure that glibc is updated upto 2.3.5 or the emerge will fail in case of sun-jre-bin-
Blackdown JRE
The Blackdown JRE is a Sun related version of Java that is also available for non PC platforms and it does not require a license acceptance like the Sun's version does. However, some people say that it is slower than Sun's version of the JVM. To install Blackdown JRE on your system, type the following command
# echo "dev-java/blackdown-jre
nsplugin" >> /etc/portage/package.use # emerge blackdown-jre |
Setting up the environment for Firefox With Java
First, make sure whether Java is enabled in Firefox. To do so open Firefox and go to Edit » Preferences and then open Web Features or the Content section and check the Enable Java option if not checked.