Introduction to Hibernate
When an application is developed, a major portion of that application involves the creation and maintenance of the persistence layer to store and retrieve objects from the database. Whenever any changes are made to the underlying database schema, it can be expensive to spread those changes to the rest of the application. To overcome this problem, a new technology is used called Hibernate.
Hibernate is an open-source object-relational mapping tool (ORM) that lets you develop persistent classes and objects in a
relational database using following common Java idiom such as - association, inheritance, polymorphism, composition and the Java collections framework.
Features of Hibernate
Some of the main features of hibernate are listed below:
- Hibernate works with classes and objects instead of queries and result sets. It reduces the development time as it supports inheritance, polymorphism, composition and the Java collection framework. So it is fully Object Oriented tool with less procedural.
- Hibernate generates SQL expressions for Java. It relieves you from manual JDBC result set handling and object conversion, and keeps your application portable to all SQL databases.
- It handles all
create-read-updatedelete (CRUD) operations using simple API, and generates DDL scripts to create DB schema (tables, constraints,
sequences). - Hibernate is Free under LGPL. It can be used to develop/package and distribute the applications for free.
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