May 2008 Issue of Java Jazz up magazine
- An introduction to Web Services
Web services are web-based application that translates your application into browser-based application using XML, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI.
- Why and how to use Web Services
Web services have the tendency of higher Interoperability that means web services allows the companies to communicate each other on the basis of business.
- Role of XML in Web Services
Because of its innovative characteristics, web services are called the nexgen (next generation) web technology. For developing any application or website, the programmers have to create lots of coding, generates many files which produces difficulties in handling those data if it is done manually.
- Web Services Components
Web service has three main components: Soap, WSDL and UDDI.
- Web Service Frameworks
There are many frameworks for web services.
- Web Service Protocols
Here is the list of some protocols used for Web Services:
- What is Axis2?
Axis2 is Apache?s Web services framework with two implementations Apache Axis2/Java and Apache Axis2/C. As discussed earlier Web services are very good means of inter application communication.
- Installing Axis2
Download ? (Standard Binary Distribution) from to
- Developing Simple Web Service Example:
Hello World Web Service
In this section, we will learn developing web services with Axis2 by an easy example ?HelloWorldService? and deploying it on the tomcat web server.
- Web Services benefits
Exposing the function on to network: A Web service can be remotely invoked using HTTP. So, Web Services allows you to expose the functionality of your existing code over the network.
- Deploy Web services in Apache Geronimo
Deciding on an application server to support your Web services development efforts? Meet the Apache Geronimo application server, one of the latest projects from the Apache Software Foundation.
- Create collaborative and dynamic method
content using Web 2.0
IT practitioners commonly use software development methodologies, such as the IBM® Rational® Unified Process (RUP®). Methods like this can be applied across a variety of software development disciplines and industry verticals.