Ajax and XML: Five cool Ajax widgets

With the Web 2.0 wave came a whole new emphasis on the user experience . Part of that experience is the development novel ways to interact with and present information to users.

Ajax and XML: Five cool Ajax widgets

Ajax and XML: Five cool Ajax widgets


First published by IBM developerWorks at http://www.ibm.com/developerWorks. Visit ibm.com/ developerWorks for more tutorials on open standard technologies, IBM products, and more.

  1. Ajax and XML: Five cool Ajax widgets
    With the Web 2.0 wave came a whole new emphasis on the user experience. Part of that experience is the development novel ways to interact with and present information to users. Often, these new interfaces are called widgets and use Asynchronous JavaScript + XML (Ajax) to communicate with the server. Discover five widgets that you can use to enhance the interactivity of your site.

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