jaret timebars
The jaret timebars package contains a viewer for a data model containing rows of intervals. The viewer displays the intervals in a Gantt chart fashion. The viewer is implemented for Swing and the SWT toolkit using a delegate for most of the work. Prority of the development is the SWT version!
Features include:
- rendering is done by renderers allowing a complete customization (simple default renderes are supplied). Renderers may support printing.
- follows the mvc pattern
- available for SWT and Swing (lower priority)
- additional components: marker (vertical), synchronizer for mutiple viewers
- flexible selection model
- supports hierarchical view
- supports visual editing (dragging of intervals, resizing of intervals)
- supports horizontal (classic gantt) and vertical orientation
- addon package supports using the timebars component in an Eclipse RCP (saving the viewstate) and adds synchronization support towards the jaret table allowing combined visualization of tabular and timed data
Come to know more about: http://jaret.de/timebars/