Why tiny HTML Tools?
The Plug-In, as the name suggests, offers some tiny tools for working with HTML. It was written with the typical experience of generating help-content for plug-in help files such as this in mind, where I usually generate the content and only afterwards do the markup. Also, all HREFs and image-sources point to local project resources.
What is available in tiny HTML Tools?
The plug-in offers help with the following:
- Formatting: paragraph, bold, italic, underline, headings 1 through 3
- Lists and Tables: bullet lists, numbered lists, conversion of plain text to lists or tables
- Links and images: links to local resources as HREF or IMG, capture image-contents from the system clipboard to local resource and generate a link to it
All tags used are largely configurable through the preferences-page.
Obviously, the plug-in was used when this documentation was written. I hope the plug-in serves you well.
What's new?
Version 1.1.0
- Removed top-level menu
- Context-menu entry should appear for most editors
- Changed default key-bindings to remove some conflicts with standard-bindings
- Changed license to EPL v1.0 (Open Source!)
Click on this link to get more detail: http://www.bastian-bergerhoff.com/eclipse/features/web/tinyHTMLTools/toc.html