WSMO Studio

WSMO Studio is an open source Semantic Web Service and Semantic Business Process modelling environment for the Web Service Modeling Ontology.

WSMO Studio

WSMO Studio


WSMO Studio is an open source Semantic Web Service and Semantic Business Process modelling environment for the Web Service Modeling Ontology. WSMO Studio is available as a set of Eclipse plug-ins that can be further extended by 3rd parties.

WSMO Studio features include:

  1. Ontology editor with integrated WSML Reasoner (MINS, KAON2, Pellet, IRIS) for consistency checks and querying of ontologies
  2. Editor for WSMO elements (web services, goals, mediators)
  3. SAWSDL editor for adding semantic annotations to WSDL documents
  4. Semantic Business Process Modelling according to the Business Process Modelling Ontology
  5. Choreography designer, for WSMO centric choreographies
  6. Import/export from:
    • WSML
    • a subset of OWL-DL
    • RDF
    • XML representation of WSML
  7. Front-end for ontology / service / goal repositories
    • Integrated ORDI repository
    • IRS-III adapter (3rd party)
    • WSMX adapter
  8. Front-end for service discovery components: EPFL QoS based discovery

  9. Integrated WSML Validator
  10. WSML text editor with syntax colouring
  11. Eclipse GEF based Axiom editor (3rd party)

WSMO Studio is partly funded by the EU IST projects DIP (FP6-507483), InfraWebs (FP6-511723), SemanticGov (FP6-027517) and SUPER (FP6-026850)

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