EasyEclipse for C and C++
EasyEclipse for C and C++ is all you need to start
developing C and C++ code with Eclipse.
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This distribution includes the following plugins:
Core components:
- Eclipse Platform - Shared platform services from Eclipse - Getting started.
- Java for Windows - Run Java application on Sun Java(tm) runtime, packaged for Eclipse use. (Windows only)
- Java for Linux - Run Java application on Sun Java(tm) runtime, packaged for Eclipse use. (Linux only)
Tools for general C and C++ development:
- Eclipse C and C++ Development Tool - Create, compile, tests and debug and C and C++ applications and programs - Getting started.
- Eclox Doxygen frontend - Use the Doxygen code documentation framework in Eclipse - Getting started.
Version Control tools (note that CVS support is included in the Eclipse Platform):
- Eclipse CVS client - Access and manage projects in CVS repositories within Eclipse.
- Subclipse - Access and manage Subversion repositories within Eclipse - Getting started.
For more information.