Image Export Plugin
An Eclipse plug in to to simplify the task of exporting images from GEF diagrams.
Its goal is to allow exporting GEF diagrams to ?images? in several formats in a generic and extensible way. It contributes two ?Diagram Image? export wizards and allows for other plug ins to contribute diagrams to export (the ?figure providers?) and image formats (the ?image exporters?) to generate images. It is made that modular because we wanted it to be extensible. Plus we use existing libraries to generate certain formats (e.g. the Batik SVG Toolkit to produce SVG). Those libraries tend to be big and I wanted to let the user choose what formats are needed (there are still people with dialup connections, like me :>).
If there is no figure provider registered for a diagram file to be exported, we just open it in an editor and query the editor for the figure. This has the ugly side effect that editors open and close during the export operation. But at least you can export GEF diagrams you have editors for. This works for the GEF examples, see the screenshots and exported samples below. However, it does not work for multi page editors.
There are two wizards. One allows you to export images for several diagram files at once. You pick the files and the image format and all files are exported. The other wizard allows you to export an image of the current diagram. Optionally, you can choose to only export the current selection. There is even a preview that shows you how your image will look like.
know click for more information.