The Resource Tagger Plugin

The Resource Tagger Plug-in adds tagging functionality to Eclipse such that resources may be tagged similar to the content tagging in and Gmail. The tagged resources may then be managed, searched, filtered, or otherwise operated on by their ta

The Resource Tagger Plugin

The Resource Tagger Plugin


The Resource Tagger Plug-in adds tagging functionality to Eclipse such that resources may be tagged similar to the content tagging in and Gmail. The tagged resources may then be managed, searched, filtered, or otherwise operated on by their tag associations.

Current Features

Resource Tagging
Any Eclipse resource can have one or more tags associated with it. The goal of these tags is to provide an alternate means of grouping and working with resources.
Tag Management
The tag set available to the workspace is managed through a tag view. Tag can be added, edited and removed using this view.
Search by Tag Association
Tagged files can be found via their tag associations. Currently the search is limited to either requiring all tags be associated with the resource or any of the specified tags.

Create Working Set From Tags
From the Tag Manager View, a working set can be created from all resources tagged with specified tags.

Create Working Set From Search Results
From any search result view, the user can create a working set of selected resources.

Open All Search Results Action
From any search results view, the user can open all selected search result resources in their editors.

Filter Resource Views By Tag Associations
A resource view can be filtered by specified tag associations (the JDT Package View is now also filterable).

Tags and Tag Association can be exported from one workspace and imported into another.

How do I install it?

Installation is easy and there are two ways to do it. You can either download the jar file and drop it into your Eclipse plugins directory or you can add the update site ( to your Eclipse update configuration. I recommend the update site so that you always have the most current version.

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