DOJO Tutorial
In this section we will learn about DOJO.
This section will describe you the aspects of DOJO viz. what is DOJO, features of DOJO, benefits of DOJO, Dojo Toolkit, how to install DOJO, released versions of DOJO.
DOJO is a JavaScript Framework distributed as an open source software that facilitate to develop rich internet applications. DOJO is designed in such a way that it fulfils the needs of large scale client side web development. It defines the modules of code and manages their interdependencies, provides build tools that uses JavaScript and CSS generating, documentation and unit testing in best way. DOJO has the support of Internationalization, localization and accessibility.
Features of Dojo
DOJO has various features that attracts the developer to use the Dojo toolkit in the development of applications. Few features are explained here as :
- Easy to learn
- Need not to learn new programming language only knowledge of HTML and JavaScript is sufficient.
- It provides abstraction layer to the programmer.
- Provides Dojo API to use directly into the application.
There are several Benefits of using DOJO. Some of these are as follows :
- Objects and Classes
- Regular expressions
- DOJO has support of W3C DOM
- Highly evolved libraries for example, date, math, String.
Dojo Toolkit
DOJO Toolkit is a modular JavaScript library available as an open source. It was designed for making the cross-platform, JavaScript/Ajax based applications and web sites easy. Whole toolkit can be downloaded as ZIP. This toolkit is divided into various packages. These are as :
- DOJO : It is also known as "core" and it is
the important part of DOJO, it provides the
following functionality
- Ajax
- Dom manipulation
- Class-type programming
- Events
- Promises
- Data stores
- Drag-and-drop
- Internationalization libraries
- dijit : A library that contains the user interface components (set of widgets). It is built on top of the DOJO core.
- dojox : Contains the packages and modules and it is built upon both DOJO core and Dijit.
- util : Contains rest of the utility toolkit for example, test and document, optimization, style-checking.
Before installing Dojo you will be required to download (leave if already downloaded) and then install Dojo. You can install Dojo for the new development and also can install into the existing application.
Released Versions Of Dojo
DOJO has been released in its various versions, the current (at the time of writing this tutorial) stable released version is 1.8 and currently work in progress for releasing version 1.9. DOJO versions prior to 1.8 are as :
- v1.7
- v1.6
- v1.5
- v1.4
- v1.3
- v1.2
- v1.1